Take Comfort in Discomfort — a post by Courtney Aymett

Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

To some, change is cause for worry, while for others, it’s a tremendous adventure; a new beginning.  Over the past few months and years, there has been a lot of change in our small country church down Highway 463.  People who have been apart of this church for awhile have seen new faces in and out on Sunday mornings, said goodbyes to loved ones, welcomed new born babies, and thought of the prospects of expanding our church building within the next several years.  Needless to say, there has been numerous changes in our small church community, which can become overwhelming.

As Christians we are not asked to be “comfortable.”   We are, however, asked to trust God with his plan for us.  Were the disciples “comfortable” leaving all their belongings to follow Christ?  No.  They were scared and worried in the same way we can be if asked to change.  We are reminded in Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  Throughout the changes in our lives, we have the Son of God by our sides to lead us in the direction He wants us to follow.  We are asked at times to get out of our comfort zones and become followers of Christ.

Without taking the step to follow where God wanted me to be, I would have never had the opportunity to work at a church that has so much character, charm, and members who are the most welcoming I have ever met.  It was uncomfortable leaving familiar faces and routines which I saw day in and day out.  However, Christ blessed me with the opportunity to work with new faces and see new things that I would have otherwise never known or seen.

These blessings of change are gifts of promise and encouragement.  Regardless of how big or small the change is, I encourage you to take the leap of faith, to be “comfortable” being “uncomfortable,” to welcome what God has promised you.