An Easter Greeting from Ben

16 April 2017: The Feast of the Resurrection (Easter Day)

Chapel Friends,

A curious thing happened last week during our Maundy Thursday worship.  As folks started walking up the aisle to wash feet, the sun started streaming in the west windows of the Chapel, so brightly that their heads started to glow like saints in an ancient manuscript.  The sight was ethereal.  It was also beautiful and fitting for an evening when, as we pray, eat, sing, and wash, our love for each other is so tangible.

The love we share at Chapel was also unmistakable this morning, as so many, in their Easter finest or jeans and workshirts, proclaimed with joy, “Alleluia!  Christ is risen!”  I love the line from the Old Testament reading, “Again you shall take your tambourines, and go forth in the dance of the merrymakers,” (Jerimiah 31:4b).  I am so thankful to the choir, flower guild, altar guild, colleagues in the office who printed many bulletins, and all those who made our Resurrection joy and celebration so wonderful.  Thank you, thank you.

The Rt. Rev. Alfred Clark “Chip” Marble, the 8th Bishop of our Diocese of Mississippi, went to his reward last month.  And as he passed from this world to the next, he said, “There is so much joy yet to be seen.”  Amen.  There is so much joy to be seen: on this Easter Day, here at the Chapel, and throughout God’s kingdom.

May God bless you and your family on this Easter Day.  May this season of celebration be filled with joy, and the love of our brothers and sisters in Christ.  See you at the Chapel.

Keep the Faith,