We are very pleased to announce that the Chapel has called a new Parish Communicator, Emily Tipton. Born and raised in Gulfport, Emily is a 2019 graduate of the University of Mississippi, where she was a Stamps Scholar, majored in Religious Studies, and minored in English. While in Oxford, she found the Episcopal Church and immediately fell in love with the rich Anglican tradition. During her Stamps Enrichment Trip in 2017, Emily attended Le Cordon Bleu London, an experience which reinforced both her love for cooking and her passion for travel. Between road trips, she will reside in Belhaven, but can be found at any coffee shop in the Metro area.
Emily is thrilled to use her role as Parish Communicator to share the Gospel and our beautiful church and congregation with the community. Her favorite part of the liturgy appears in Eucharistic Prayer C, “At your command all things came to be: the vast expanse of interstellar space, galaxies, suns, the planets in their courses, and this fragile earth, our island home.” She cannot wait to get to know the Chapel and its people. If you want to say hi (or if you happen to have a dog that needs walking), come visit her in the front office.
Emily’s first day will be Monday, 3 June. Big thanks to Thomas Frye who has been helping in the office during the interim. Welcome Emily!