An Important Notice from Ben and the Vestry regarding the Annual Meeting

Good Monday / Snowday Chapel Friends.

I hope you built a snowman and / or sat by a warm fire on this wintery day.

I must inform you of a decision the Vestry and I made regarding our Annual Meeting.   Traditionally the Chapel would gather for an Annual Meeting in late January – it was scheduled for the 24th this year – to hear annual reports, elect vestry members, and celebrate the past year.  However, due to the Bishop’s pandemic protocols, and wanting as many members as possible to fully participate in the Annual Meeting, the Vestry and I have unanimously decided to postpone the Annual Meeting until we can gather normally (hopefully in the new worship space!) in a few months.  Until then, the current vestry will continue to serve, including the outgoing Class of 2021: Rebecca Haas, Steve Middleton, and Reggie Sims.  I am very grateful to the entire Vestry for their dutiful and mindful service during the pandemic.  Meanwhile, the Vestry continues to finalize the budget for 2021 and if you have any questions about that process, need to submit a request for your ministry, or need to make a pledge for 2021, please contact Brock Haas, Treasurer, Bob Williams, Senior Warden, Dana Tiffin, Parish Administrator, or me.

These days are beyond challenging.  We continue to pray for the medical professionals and public officials who care for us, the sick, the vulnerable, the dead, and those who grieve.  We also pray for our community, our leaders, and our country.  And we pray for the Chapel of the Cross, and give thanks for the creative ways the Chapel continues to serve, gather, and praise.

One other item – if you need help navigating the technology required to get a vaccination appointment, please let us know.  The Pastoral Care Team is standing by to help in any way we can.

The end of this pandemic is in sight.  Soon these frustrations and fears will be a memory.  But until then, continue to pray and love and do as the Chapel does so well.  You and your family are in my fervent prayers every day.  See you soon.

Keep the faith,