Monday, March 25th
- Holy Eucharist and Healing in the Chapel of the Cross at 6:00pm
Tuesday, March 26th
- Holy Eucharist and Healing in the Chapel of the Cross at 6:00pm
Wednesday, March 27th
- Tenebrae in the Chapel of the Resurrection at 7:00pm
Thursday, March 28th: Maundy Thursday
- Maundy Thursday with footwashing, agape meal, and stripping of the altar in the Chapel of the Resurrection at 6:00pm
Friday, March 29th: Good Friday
- Good Friday service with Bishop Seage in the Chapel of the Cross at noon
- Stations of the Cross at outdoor stations at 6:00pm
Saturday, March 30th: Holy Saturday
- Easter Vigil at 8:00pm in the Chapel of the Resurrection
Sunday, March 31st: Easter Sunday
- Easter service in the Chapel of the Cross at 7:30am
Easter service in the Chapel of the Resurrection at 8:45am - Easter egg hunt at 10:15am
- Easter service in the Chapel of the Resurrection at 11:00am
- Easter service in the Chapel of the Cross at 5:00pm