Sunday School

All classes are held on Sunday mornings at 9:30.

You can read about this year’s Sunday school offerings below!

Location: Covington Room

If you have come to the Chapel of the Cross from a church community other than the Episcopal Church, there may be some things we do that you may not be clear about. Lots of questions may be going through your head as you worship in this tradition of the Christian Church. This is understandable.

On Sunday, September 8th from 9:30 AM to 10:15 AM Tom Fanning will begin teaching a New Comer’s Class in the Covington Room in the Education Building. During this class, we will be reading the book The Gifts of God for the People of God by The Rev. Furman Buchanan. If you are interested in learning about our worship and traditions please join us on September 8th.

Purchase The Gifts of God for the People of God on Amazon

Location: Parish Hall

Why are there wars? Why are there natural disasters? Why did my friend die from cancer?

We grapple with questions in our life that sometimes have no easy or good answers. At the root of these questions is the ultimate question of why a powerful, loving God allows suffering?

Will’s Sunday school class will begin on September 8, at 9:30a, in the Parish Hall and is open to everyone. Come join us as we discuss suffering and grief using two books. These two books may be purchased following the links below. We will start out with Why Suffering? by Ian S. Markham, and then continue with Tracks of a Fellow Struggler by John Claypool. We will not find the answers to all of our questions, but we will walk together in search of our God who is with us in our suffering and grief.

Purchase “Why Suffering?” on Amazon Purchase “Tracks of a Fellow Struggler” on Amazon

Location: Youth Room

Our EYC curriculum this fall will be the High School Talksheets series by David Rogers. Each Talksheet provides a springboard for discussion. The weekly lesson opens with group questions and offers various Bible verses or stories to assist in leading the discussion.  No homework is ever required for this class!  Students have enough on their plates, and we want this to be a space for learning without pressure.

Depending upon the numbers and size of the class, we are hoping to have a group opening and then break off into a Junior High and Senior High discussion area.  Davis and Martha Frye and Doug Goodin will be leading these breakout groups and adjusting the topics for more age-appropriate inclusion.   

We try to always have donuts and a very relaxed atmosphere in the Youth wing!  We’re very excited to get started on September 8th!

Location: Education Building

At Chapel of the Cross, we use the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a beautiful and intentional curriculum that provides religious education and spiritual formation for children ages 3 through 6th grade. Catechesis is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. Children gather in atriums, divided by age, on the ground floor of the Education Building and work with prepared materials to learn about God and strengthen their spiritual relationships, all facilitated by highly-trained Catechists (a.k.a. teachers).  Our Catechesis atriums are joyful places filled with activity, singing, discussion, and prayer, and we invite interested parents to stop by any time. Sunday School begins at 9:30 am.