The Altar Guild of the Chapel of the Cross is comprised of volunteers from the Parish community that feel called to assist in preparation for the services of the Chapel. In general, the duty of the Altar Guild is to prepare all things necessary for the conduct and celebration of public worship at the Chapel. This includes Sunday morning and evening liturgies, the regular mid-week Wednesday Eucharist, funerals, weddings, special services such as Lessons & Carols, Christmas Eve and Day services, and the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter. The preparations are done reverently and prayerfully so that all services may proceed in order and beauty to the glory of God in Jesus Christ. Members of the Altar Guild are ever mindful that this service is a high calling and privilege. It is their responsibility to help those who enter through the doors of the Chapel to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.” This takes devotion and the acknowledgement that this ministry of service in the sanctuary is a sacred trust. This quiet, behind-the-scenes “holy house work” is a true gift to the entire congregation. It should be noted that the parish rector is always the head of the Altar Guild. The rector generally delegates the leadership to a Director but the canonical authority for worship resides with the rector. The mission of the Altar Guild is to assist the rector with the conduct of worship.
The Altar Guild is comprised of four teams that each service a week a month. Each team has a leader that serves as contact with the Altar Guild Director and also organizes the preparation for worship in the team’s given week. Members of the Chapel Altar Guild are also involved the Altar Guild on a state and national level. On a state level members have served as president as well as other committee positions and the Chapel has hosted the annual meeting on numerous occasions. On a national level, the Chapel’s own Judy McLarty has served as President of the National Altar Guild Association.