At the Chapel of the Cross, everyone has a place and a role in our worship, especially the laity, or those who are not ordained. According to the Book of Common Prayer, the laity is vital to the worship of the Church. The laity serves in various and important ways at the Chapel of the Cross to ensure that our worship is dignified and runs smoothly. The dedication of our many worship volunteers has always been a source of pride at the Chapel of the Cross. Please let us know if you feel called to serve in one or more of the many capacities listed below.
The Choir generally sings at the 10:30 service. Practice is each Wednesday evening at 6:45 p.m. For information, contact Ed Dacus, Director of Music.
Diocesan Licensed Worship Leader
A Worship Leader is licensed to lead public worship in the parish. In the Diocese of Mississippi, the person shall be trained, examined, and found competent in the following subjects: Bible, Doctrine, History, and Liturgy. Application for licensing of the Diocesan Worship Leader is initiated through a conference with a member of the clergy and with the approval of the Vestry.
Lay Eucharistic Minister
A Lay Eucharistic Minister is authorized to administer the Consecrated Elements at a Celebration of the Holy Eucharist (the chalice bearer). A Eucharistic Minister acts under the direction of the clergy. Application for licensing of the Lay Eucharistic Minister is initiated through a conference with a member of the clergy and with the approval of the Vestry.
Lay Eucharistic Visitor
A Lay Eucharistic Visitor is authorized to take the Consecrated Elements in a timely manner following a Celebration of Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation who, by reason of illness or infirmity, were unable to be present at the Celebration. A Eucharistic Visitor acts under the direction of the Clergy. Application for licensing of the Lay Eucharistic Visitor is initiated through a conference with a member of the clergy and with the approval of the Vestry.
Vergers, Acolytes and Ushers
These persons play a vital role in ensuring that each worship service runs smoothly. The Vergers lead the procession and, in essence, direct the other lay persons. The acolytes carry the cross and torches and are generally youth. Ushers welcome worshippers, distribute bulletins, help with seating and take up the offertory.
Transportation Ministry
Our Transportation Ministry is how we accommodate our parishioners who cannot drive themselves to church on Sundays. We have a revolving schedule of volunteers who are willing to drive these parishioners to and from the Chapel.
Volunteer Schedule
A host of volunteers is needed to assist the clergy for each worship service. The volunteer schedule covers Vergers, Chalice Bearers, Crucifers, Torch Bearers, Readers, and Ushers.
Click here for the January worship volunteer schedule!